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Updating Videos

This API allows you to update a videos data. The following table contains all the possible fields that can be updated and an example of how to format them.

Parameter Type Description
title string Set the video title
description string Set the video description
status int Set the video status. Can be either 1 or 2 where 1 = published and 2 = unpublished
playlists string Publish the video to the given playlist. A json string is to be provided as an array of playlistID. ["53a149b875a295176e8b456b", "53a149b875a295176e8b4522"]
publish_date string Set the video publish date. (Must be in the format dd/mm/yyyy)
tags json Set the video tags. A json string to be provided which contains an array of values. javascript ["Tag", "Tag 2"] If you wish to attach advanced_tag then a key and value need to be provided. javascript [ { "key": "Tag Key", "value": "Tag Value" }, { "key": "Tag Key 2", "value: "Tag Value 2" }, // You can also mix in normal tags "Tag 3" Any invalid tags will be ignored and not added to the video.