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Updating Template Settings

This API allows you to update a templates settings. There are currently only two possible settings css and videochannel. You can only update videochannel settings on templates that are marked as videochannel.

Parameter Type
settings json Update settings of template.

The settings parameter must contain a json string containing the settings for the template.


The css setting allows you to add custom CSS to your templates. This setting is mainly used by the player templates. You must send a json string containing the key css along with the css to update.

    "css":"body{\nbackground: #000;\n}"

Video Channel

The videochannel setting allows you to update your video channel via the API. You must send a json string containing the key videochannel along with the data of the new settings.

    "videochannel":{"example": "example"}

The videochannel settings should a json object containing all the valid channel configurations.


Different error responses can be returned.

Missing settings

    "error": {
    "message": "Missing settings parameter",
    "code": 400

You have not passed the settings parameter.

Invalid JSON

    "error": {
    "message": "'settings' must be valid JSON",
    "code": 400

You have passed invalid json in the settings parameter.